
Category: Historical (Fiction) [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The journal of Jasper Jonathan Pierce, a Pilgrim boy 
Year: 2000 
ISBN 13: 9780590510783 
The Journal of Jesse Smoke: A Cherokee Boy, The Trail of Tears, 1838 
Year: 2000 
ISBN 13: 9780439121972 
The journal of Joshua Loper : a Black cowboy 
Year: 1999 
ISBN 13: 9780590026918 
The journal of Otto Peltonen, a Finnish immigrant 
Year: 2003 
ISBN 13: 9780439555005 
The journal of Scott Pendleton Collins : a World War II soldier 
Year: 1999 
ISBN 13: 9780439050135 
The journal of Sean Sullivan : a Transcontinental Railroad worker 
Year: 1999 
ISBN 13: 9780439049948 
The journal of William Thomas Emerson, a Revolutionary War patriot 
Year: 1998 
ISBN 13: 9780590313506 
The journal of Wong Ming-Chung : a Chinese miner 
Year: 2000 
ISBN 13: 9780590386074 
The king of Mulberry Street 
Year: 2005 
ISBN 13: 9780385746533 
The land 
Year: 2001 
ISBN 13: 9780439434164